5 tips to choose a nice Domain Name

On the internet are many sites with uncommon domain names; names chosen just because they are very short or because they are free. When you buy a domain you must know that your domain name should be brand-able if you want it to be presentable to the world. You will also avoid other IP challenges from brand owners.

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I’ve listed here 5 tips for those who are preparing to buy a new domain name :

  1. Keep it short but brand-able.
    Which would I go for? I’d go for the shorter name if I can get a meaningful one, but I’m not averse to longer names. However, I would probably avoid extremely long names verging on 67 characters. Aside from the obvious problem that people might not be able to remember such a long name, it would also be a chore typing it and trying to fit it as a title on your web page.
  2. Avoid trademarked names.
    There are two really good reasons for this. First, it’s not very nice. We have all heard the stories about the zany guy who thought ahead and bought “some-huge-multi-million-dollar-company.com” and sold it to the company for enough money to retire on. But, remember that those companies, like yours, have spent lots of time and money creating their brand, and what goes around comes around.
  1. One may not be enough.
    Sometimes it’s a good idea to register many similar domain names with different extensions, for example, let’s imagine I’ve registered www.nicekitty.com and www.nicekitty.net , and that those are both my domains; similar names with different extensions. You can use multiple domain names to increase your audience traffic.
  2. Choose your domain extension carefully.
    Each domain extension is typically used for different sites; each extension has his own meaning, for example:
    .Com is designed for commercial organizations and is globally the most widely used domain extension
    .Net was originally intended for entities involved with the running or development of network infrastructures
    .Org was originally intended for organizations not falling within the other TLDs such as non-profit bodies
    .Biz is for business use
    .Info is intended for informational sites
    .US is limited to websites found only in the USA. Read more about different top-level domains assigned to different countries.
  3. Register your domain immediately.
    Do this using one of the many registrars found around the globe.

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